Www.essentialvermeer.com is the most complete English source on the web with information on the work and life of Johannes Vermeer. To continue and maintain this unique content, the author Jonathan Janson asks for funding. Every small contribution is appreciated. Read his own explanation below: (source: www.essentialvermeer.com)
"Hi, I am Jonathan Janson, the author and webmaster of Essential Vermeer.com.
In just 10 years, the Essential Vermeer has grown from a simple one-page list of Vermeer-related websites to the most complete internet website dedicated to an individual artist. It now contains over 5,000 web objects, 500-plus web pages, scores of interactive studies, uncounted links, over 3,000 images and hundreds audio files. The Essential Vermeer now serves as the prime internet reference point for contemporary Vermeer scholars as well as the preferred venue for laymen all over the globe who wish to explore the fascinating complexities of Vermeer’s art. In a single month, the website tallies approximately 50,000 unique visits and 450,000 page views, impressive numbers for a website devoted to an art-historical subject.
But more important than numbers, the Essential Vermeer has become a place where I have done my best to present an organic and objective overview of Vermeer's art, life and times; a place where both Vermeer newcomers and longtime Vermeer enthusiasts can find food for thought and the facts they need. It has become a place where information on all the latest exhibitions, conferences and publications about Vermeer can be comfortably located, any time, day or night. It is a bridge that connects the most recent developments in world-wide Vermeer scholarship to the art enthusiast..
Ten years of communication with the public and art specialists has convinced me that our vision of Vermeer and Dutch painting will be increasingly shaped by what we will read and what we will write about them on the World Wide Web. The internet medium provides extraordinary possibilities for the art history community which has only just begun to be tapped.
This site will continue to grow and offer new ways to explore the complexities of Vermeer's art and the art of his time. And it will continue to be free. Margin for growth is enormous and the more I research, write and increase my internet technology skills, the more new projects come to my mind. To materially implement these new ideas, new tools are required. I need to update my hardware, acquire more flexible software, research material and pay for technical collaboration, hosting costs, communication and travel expenses.
If you would like to make growth possible for Essential Vermeer, please feel free to make a contribution. It will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for your interest,
Jonathan Janson"
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